Reuben Sandwich Spread

If you like Reuben Sandwiches you’ll like this recipe, it’s a reuben sandwich spread. It’s easy to make, and wonderful for entertaining. Just serve it warm, with a loaf of mini rye bread, or mini pumpernickel.

This sandwich spread would make a wonderful appetizer for a shower or party. I got the recipe from a friend that brought it to a birthday party a couple months ago. It’s one of those recipes I’m holding on to for entertaining, since it’s definitely a hit.

Reuben Sandwich Spread Recipe


3 packages of coned beef (chopped)

16 ounces of saurkraut (drained)

8 ounces shredded sharp cheddar

8 ounces shredded Swiss

1 cup of thousand island dressing

Mix all the ingredients together in a casserole dish, then bake at 350` for about 25 minutes. Serve warm on a piece of mini rye bread, or mini pumpernickel.

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