Black-Eyed-Susans a Beautiful US Native

Black-Eyed-Susans are one of the most common easy to grow native plants in the United States. They are great for the gardener who is trying to naturalize an area, since they thrive on neglect, and hold tough against other invasive weeds and plants. As a caution to anyone who would like to try Black-Eyed-Susans in their flower garden, this plant can be invasive in small spaces, which makes them great for naturalizing, but not a good choice for the gardener looking for a single specimen in the garden.

They’re a beautiful yellow flower, with a chocolate to black center. Depending on your area of the country the blooms will appear sometime between June and September. Mature plants are about two to three feet tall. Black-Eyed Susans are a short lived perennial (or bi-annual), that will also germinate from seed. They love full sunlight, and grow very well in sunny meadows, ditches, and hillsides.

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